Tag Archive for: EN

In the Footsteps of César Manrique, Part 2
César Manrique was a crucial personality for the development of Lanzarote in the past half century. Great artist and thinker.

In the Footsteps of César Manrique, Part 1
The target of this photo trip was to take pictures of Lanzarote as captured in the works of great Art Informel artist, César Manrique.

A Reflection on Photography and the Photographer in the Social Networks Era
Photography and social networks. We don’t write. We snap everything and stick it anywhere the server capacities of social networks let us.

Through the Imaginative Landscape of JMW Turner – Part 1., INTRO
JMW Turner is the predecessor of the Impressionists for me. I cannot stop being fascinated by his simple watercolour studies of the colour planes.

My Big Day at the Czech Photo Center – QEP, or How IT happened
QEP certificate. There are things that require long-term work. They cannot be taken overnight; they need patience and lots of gradual steps.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry – OPENING November 21st, 2019, Palác Adria, Galerie kritiků (Gallery of Art Critics)
With the opening of the “Song for Aklin, the Knight” exhibition I have concluded my most extensive project to date, about Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry – Starting points
A lot has been written about Exupéry. My project, however, does not deal with a new biography or illustrations. I am attempting to find creative impulses in his life and translate them into the language of visual arts – and that is what makes my projects unique. It is highly probable that another person would pick completely different characteristics.

Antoine de Saint Exupéry
I am on the threshold of the last part of the literary triptych, this time dedicated to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. While both Mácha and Andersen were authors who helped me master specific photographic and expressional techniques, Exupéry is different. Exupéry is “my” writer, I have a personal relationship with him, and for this reason, the whole project will be very personal.